Helpful Hints


 Be prepared and make sure your teammates are well prepared. If you use a quick fill to repair flats, take a minipump along as well. Always have two spare tubes. Take any tools you might need to repair any mechanical problem that could creep up on you. Have a Chain tool to repair any broken chain or derailleur. Remember if you break down on the race course, it's up to you to make it back to the finish line. Once again, make sure your teammates are as prepared as you. 


Bring along lots of food and water (there is no water available at the race site). It is a good idea to try and get some solid food down at some point in the race or you'll be hating life when everyone else is partying after the race. Remember that the race is basically four or five time trials over the course of 12 hours, so fuel up accordingly.


This category is for you to figure out. Know your abilities. Last years winning MRC team went as fast as possible each and every lap and never blew up. Other teams came into the race thinking that it would not be that hard and promptly blew up. They were seen crawling up several hills late in the race. Know where you are in the race, keep up with your laps and your position relative to your competitors in your class. This information will come in handy at the finish of the race. "do we need to do one more lap when we come in at 8:50 or is second place 15 minutes behind us?"


Have Fun

Have a good time, that's the name of the game, if you have trouble with this just watch the Clydesdale guys, they have it all figured out.